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Best Designer

UX/UI Design

Website Development


Best Designer's website is a sophisticated online platform that introduces an interior design and architecture business in London. Showcasing an impressive portfolio, the site employs advanced website development methodologies to create a visual narrative of creativity, style, and innovation. It serves as a virtual gallery, reflecting the artistic prowess and design philosophy that sets Best Designer apart.


Best Designer, a leading interior designer and architect company based in London, required a robust online platform to showcase their work, connect with potential clients, and enable dynamic content management. To provide an optimised solution tailored to the company's unique needs, a custom website was built using Laravel, Vue.js, and Bootstrap, complete with a bespoke content management system (CMS).


The Challenge

Best Designer's existing online presence was outdated and lacked the necessary features to truly represent the caliber of their work.

Technology Used

Backend: Laravel, a PHP web application framework, was chosen for its elegant syntax, robust features, and ability to craft scalable solutions.

Frontend: Vue.js was used to create a dynamic, interactive user interface, and Bootstrap ensured a responsive design.

Best Designer
Key Features


Responsive Design

Tailored to fit any device, providing a seamless user experience.


Portfolio Showcase

A visually appealing portfolio section to display the company's projects.


SEO Optimization

Proper structure and content arrangement to enhance search engine visibility.


Enhanced Brand Representation

The new site accurately depicts Best Designer's innovative spirit and quality of work.


Increased User Engagement

The interactive design and well-structured content increased user interaction and retention.


Efficient Content Management

The custom CMS allows for swift and efficient updates, empowering the company to keep content fresh and relevant.

Best Designer

Build Your Dream Website with Us Today!

We have the expertise to create a unique online presence tailored to your business!

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