UX/UI Design
Mobile App Development
Mypeg is a mobile application designed to simplify the lives of anglers, allowing them to book fishing sessions on the go easily. Developed through a seamless blend of user-centric design and software development expertise, Mypeg offers features like location search, booking confirmation, and session reminders. It stands as a valuable tool for fishing enthusiasts, providing convenience and accessibility at their fingertips.
The Fishing Lake Booking Mobile Application was designed to simplify and enhance the fishing experience for anglers. It provided an easy-to-use platform to allow fishermen to select, book, and manage their fishing sessions at various lakes, along with the possibility to add special requests like renting a bait boat.
The primary objective was to create a seamless and user-friendly mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms. The goal was to make the entire process of selecting a fishing spot, booking a session, and confirming the reservation more efficient and accessible to anglers.

User Registration
Anglers can sign up and create their profiles, allowing for a personalised experience.
Lake Selection
Users can browse and select their preferred fishing lake, complete with details and images.
Booking Sessions
Anglers can book their fishing sessions according to available time slots.
Additional Requests
Users can add special requests like renting a bait boat, which adds flexibility and convenience.
QR Code Validation
Upon arrival at the selected lake, the angler's unique QR code can be scanned by the lake owner to validate the ticket, ensuring a secure and efficient process.
Cross-platform Compatibility
Designing a seamless experience across both iOS and Android required careful consideration of design and performance differences.
The Fishing Lake Booking Mobile Application successfully provided a comprehensive solution to anglers and lake owners, improving the efficiency and enjoyment of the fishing experience. The combination of React Native and Laravel proved to be an effective and scalable solution, meeting the objectives of the project while providing a secure and user-friendly platform.

Transform Your Ideas into Reality!
Our expert developers are here to bring your mobile app vision to life on iOS and Android platforms.